- Quality is good.... Totally satisfied
- Very nice product. fitting is also good.
- This is a nice and amazing padded bra.
- Gudone
- Very good quality and so comfortable
- Good quality
- I love the style and fitting
- Extremely comfortable. Go for it. But it doesn't really provide any support. Its a simple sports bra. In love.
- thank you shyaway for this amazing product.
- Nice
- Comfortable wear
- The quality of cloth wasn't good enough
- Good one suitable for daily wear
- Good material, fitting is perfect. Very happy....
- This is really good and stylish. I love it so much.
- Good product.
- Very nice and comfortable love it worth the money
- Too loss
- Nice
- It's really amazing
- Superb quality and perfect size...
- Worth product
- Nice
- Perfect fitting n cloth also good
- Very good bra with stylish support.
- Buy a size smaller
- Very comfortable and apt for daily use(especially at home)
- Go for it
- This is really a good product. I love it a lot.
- Very good product. And the material is so soft.
- Good product and fastest delivery
- Correct fit....
- Good quality ,it's comfortable wearing during playing sports
- Very good
- Very soft and comfortable. Will buy more of these to be worn at home.
- Very comfortable... Non padded bra with 3/4th coverage
- This product is very good and very comfortable.
- Amazing product
- Good
- Comfortable
- Perfect size, material is good
- Good everyday bra with seamed support.
- Awsm,comfort,
- I love the style and finish of the bra. Great for regular use.
- Nice fitting
- Good product
- An excellent product. People are saying that it doesn't provide coverage and is very thin but that's not the case with me, it's of moderate thickness, and provides nearly full coverage but that depends person to person. Overall it's a great product and I will surely order more of these.
- Must buy this product.... comfortable fabric
- very nice
- This is really good and I love it so much.
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